if you were given the option to live anonymously amongst strangers, entwined by the diversity yet focused on one's bliss, would you not grasp on to it forever? There are unlimited possibilities if you choose to explore beyond your comfort zone. Adverse changes that are worth experiencing. A phase worth embracing. An emotional liberation. The silence that I've always longed for. This is Me. An Anonymous in Oz.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I watched him hold on to the portafilter with intimate finesse. He explained the art of “Coffee making” with passion. It’s amazing how the age of the beans mattered so much, such that the spot on day would make a big difference for a customer’s coffee experience. And I guess at the end of the day, that’s what matters.

For the past years, coffee has played a big role in our society. It entwines the social catch-ups with the caffeine addict-workaholic mania as well. Long queues can be seen along the Sydney alleys. People rushing about, holding on to their coffee, treating it as their everyday drug that satisfies their need to be up and awake through the day.

I’m not really a big coffee lover due to my high acidity. Years ago I wouldn’t pass a day without one. But now I’ve learned to control my hunger for caffeine. However, regardless of one’s state, I dared to pursue my nudging desire to learn coffee making. Actually, it’s been so long overdue already.

And so, last night… was my first time to attend a Barista class.  Perhaps another option for me when I retire.

There’s apparently a lot of artistry along with it. Yes, it’s simple to grind the beans and tamp the granules with enough pressure. But, listening and watching someone with the passion of meticulously doing the proper and precise movement, was rather inspiring for me. And true to his word, we did see the difference in crema, colour and taste with each wrong tamping, overfill, underfill, etc. that we did. He also discussed the effect of humidity, etc.

Okay, from a more general perspective… going back to what I’m getting on with…

….. is ….. PASSION.

I remember my Dad telling us when we were kids. IF you’re going to do something/task, make sure you do your best. Well, if you top it up with the mix of passion… then definitely the results would be superb.

Passion is the beautiful articulation of commitment and artistry to one’s skill/gift. And our instructor last night reminded me of that. It’s not just pouring coffee and serving it to a caffeine addict. IT’s the experience they endure through their last sip of that coffee that is wholly derived from a passionate barista’s effort to produce a superb one.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Art of Love

I came in to work on my office suit, feeling smart. I stared out the bus window and watched the haste of the morning rush. The tune playing on my ipod was “The Art of Love” by Guy Sebastian.

I closed my eyes….and told myself…This is Me.

A picture popped in my mind…the Me in the future.

Future Me in the cobwebs of old age…still staring outside a window, contemplating on life and what to do so it would all make sense. Alone? Yeah. That’s what I saw.

It’s ironic that I picture this but I was listening to a love song.

Perhaps the art of love I’m learning is to just love myself, my family and friends. And that’s it. Period to it all.

And the acceptance that I’ll grow old alone has culminated and has now peacefully settled in my heart. No bitterness….only the art of acceptance.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Living The Dream

They say I'm Living the Dream.

what's the context?

Can you actually live a dream if a part of you seems to surge with a tinge of loneliness. Lost and confused as to where all of these would lead me to.

this might be hormones.

i don't know. or maybe the Valentines Day Bug.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


For the past weeks a silly picture/idea has been haunting me. Believe me or not...it's what they call "retirement".

No, i'm not 65. I'm just turning 32.

so why retirement?

Whilst munching on my chicken avocado wrap yesterday, i told myself....maybe i'll be growing old alone. So.. if that's the case, i should really be planning a retirement kind of lifestyle that would still keep me perky, up and going. I know loneliness will still be part of my shadow...but hey, i'm but human.

so yeah, i've been thinking. perhaps look for a small town/village. end my I.T. years and maybe work as a postwoman in the local cute postshop. I haven't really thought if i'd wear red. I wouldn't want to look like "Postman Pat". Perhaps wear blue?

Then have a small cottage to myself with a small fireplace. maybe have a dog. locate myself somewhere near the river (definitely not in a place where floods would bug me)... then during weekend, go fishing and catch just enough to last me the whole week. Maybe plant a veggie garden as well. Lessen the expenses. hahaha.

am i losing it? maybe. who cares. it's just me anyways.

pathetic? i don't think so. it's better to plan the future, not feeling sorry for one's self if there's no hubby to share it with...rather, just go forth and paint a picture of you...solidly believing that things will be okay if not challenging while living on my own. It has been for the past few months anyways.

And hey...so many people around the world have their own issues. some far worse than what i'm dealing with (my own emotional turmoil downward spiral non sense).

don't you just hate it when hormones play tricks on you? geez.

oh and yeah..bloody hell...yesterday, all of a sudden i was wishing i had a boyfriend!!!!

DUH!!!!! EEEEKKKK!!!!!!

i'll be fine! i can handle this....!!!!!!!

hahaha...this is what's good when you've got a blog and not all of your friends are aware that exists. you can just blabber all u want without being judged. :)

Just Do It

And so you all know that i've transferred to Sydney. Packed my bags and my guitar, had a few things shipped over (which is taking ages!), and here I am now 2 months after that crazy and busy chapter of my life.

This weekend i've finally started with the Motorbike Training .... and yes! i've finally decided to go back biking. It liberates me. so why not just do it.

besides, i'm not the typical aggressive bikers out there. My sole purpose is to satisfy my need to feel the wind and freedom when I'm on that bike.

Nothing can ever beat that. It's just you and your thoughts...... perhaps escaping from something, but anyway.... as long as it serves its purpose..i'm all sweet!