if you were given the option to live anonymously amongst strangers, entwined by the diversity yet focused on one's bliss, would you not grasp on to it forever? There are unlimited possibilities if you choose to explore beyond your comfort zone. Adverse changes that are worth experiencing. A phase worth embracing. An emotional liberation. The silence that I've always longed for. This is Me. An Anonymous in Oz.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I didn't really want to

i remembered 4 years ago when I said with conviction that I couldn't see myself living or moving to Australia. All because of the stereotyped Ozzie and the racism that they entail. And when it comes to racism, I can be super sensitive about it.

And look where I am now. Geez. That's why they say be careful, coz you might eat what you say.

Honestly, after a year of looking for a job here, and finally living in this society, I don't really know what will befall of me. All I know is I'm here for a reason.

I remember a friend of mine once told me that we only hang on to the saying "Everything happens for a reason", just for the sake of. But i beg to disagree. Our mere existence speaks loudly that we are here not just for ourselves and personal gain, but for a purpose. and that we are all entwined by a high power, to coexist. AS to how, and to what extent, I can't really say.

we can only attest to the "reason" ... in time.....and in Retrospect. When we glance back after the struggles or serendipity, that's when we realize a lof of situations which has actually brought us where we are right now.

Still, there lies the Freedom of Choice...as what God has bestowed upon us. But just as the writer Jonathan Livingstone has written in one of his acclaimed books, One....there's a parallel to each of the decisions we opt for.

For each choice we make, there's an avenue that slowly builds up. So wether we choose bad or good, it all entails a different future...
There is fate based on how we act and react. Laws of nature.

And so, here I am. slowly getting into the swing things. Creating a new life, a new chapter.

I guess that's what makes adults different from kids. When you watch kids get together, even if they dont' know each other, they don't know the term "hesitation"....rather, they just go for it and play. We adults, due to the widely known fact that experiences builds walls or maybe bridges for us, all of those of our past hones us into what and how we are towards other people.



  1. Oh yes, the funny ironies in life. It's true, we can't really say what will happen exactly even if we plan everything to the littlemost detail. Remember how I was doing all my best to move out of Singapore a couple of years ago and I didn't understand why it wasn't pushing through?

    I really do feel something nice is cooking up for you there in OZ. I'm very excited to see it ;)

  2. thanks missy. yes i do remember that feeling you had before. and things fell into place for you that very same year too. *hugs* whatever is cooking up for me here, bahala na.. hahaha
